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A hazánkban igen népszerű ukrajnai Moloch egyszemélyes 'banda' az alábbi hírt osztotta meg velünk:

MOLOCH "Lebensabend"

The exclusive hand-made boxset including:

- 4 cd's with exclusive tracks. Everyone is in the separate black envelope stitched manually by silver strings. All 4 cd's are rolled up in ancient sackcloth with wooden rune and tied up black leather string.

- 1 mini 3'cdr with video clips and exclusive photos Pr.Sergiy, lyrics and exclusive track.. The disk is in the old burnt paper, tied up by a silver thread.

- original ancient photos of dead people + children's photos of these people.

- the parts of the old rusty barbed wire which has been rolled up in an ancient sackcloth, tied up with black leather string.
- parts of the mechanism of ancient clock
- big and small parts of rock from Siberia (rock crystal, quartz, turquoise, chalcedony, rhodonite, perelivt, etc.), rolled up in the ancient sackcloth, tied up with leather string.

- Fur-tree crones from Carpathian woods.

- parts of dead branches from the Norwegian, Ukrainian and Russian woods, rolled up in the ancient sackcloth, tied up by a silver string.

-inlay about Galdr, Ginnungagap, Cosmic Depression ets. on separated old burnt paper.

-proprinted inlay cards
-each boxset is rolled up in a rough black linen fabric. It is tied up in black leather string, inlaid by a manual embroidery with silver strings and numbered by incrustation with pats of ancient clock.

Limited edition Only 12 copies!!

Time buries itself, creating fallen asleep nature of eternity.. Time, death and the nature are connected together here, as a part of universal perception of the covered with wounds essence.. It is not immortal.. Not for people.. With me on a way, with my pain..


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